MozCoffee Mumbai was held on July 6, 2014 at 11:00am at the Cafe Coffee Day, Powai. The meetup primarily focused on planning introductory Mozilla events in  Colleges and promoting Firefox OS in Mumbai, keeping in view its forthcoming launch in India.

Introduction and Helping New Contributors

The MozCoffee started with everyone introducing themselves. I was happy to see that there were 3 new faces - new aspiring contributors. We started with helping them understand about Mozilla's mission and how they could contribute to Mozilla, keeping in mind their skill-set.

Modularized Event Format

We discussed and put together an Event Format consisting of modules, which could later be compiled depending on the requirement and target-audience at the event.

Introductory Event: 
1. Introductory Talk on Mozilla [30 mins]
2. Introductory Talk on FirefoxOS [20 mins]
3. Introductory Talk on various Mozilla Projects [20 mins]
    a. Rust
    b. Webmaker
    c. Lightbeam
    d. Firefox
    e. HTML5 Game Dev
4. Introductory Talk on getting involved with Open Source. [30 mins]
Webmaker / Appmaker Party:
1. Introductions and Favorite App [15 mins]
2. Spectrogram [30 mins] 
3. User Centered Design (Paper Prototyping) [45 mins]
4. Appmaker Introduction and Tinkering [45 mins]
5. Webmaker Introduction and Tinkering [45 mins]
6. Teach Each Other [20 mins]
Events at Schools:
1. Scratch Days
2. Introduction to Computers and Internet
3. Webmaker/Appmaker
*Special Thanks to Akshat Kedia for typing in the Event Format at the MozCoffee.


On-boarder -  On-boardee Model for On-boarding New Contributors

I had this idea at MozCamp India, about having the mentor-mentee model in our local community, for on-boarding new contributors. We discussed on it and decided on having a GDocs Form for new contributors in Mumbai. We would review the responses and assign one person from the Mozilla Mumbai Community(according to the functional area required)as a Mentor for each new contributor registered through the GDocs Form.

Google Group for Mozilla Mumbai Community

We decided on having a Google Group for the Mozilla Mumbai Community. It would help new contributors to reach out to us. That way, we would be able to keep track of them and also answer their queries effectively. It would also help in having a transparent, stream-lined and well-documented way of formally discussing Mozilla Mumbai activities.

Google Group:!aboutgroup/mozillamumbai

Challenges faced by new Code Contributors

We discussed on the various challenges that a new code contributor faces while contributing to Mozilla and how they can be dealt with. Having the Google Group, would help the new code contributors to have their queries resolved. Also having a on-boarder/mentor for each new code contributor would ensure that the contributor does not lose interest due to the problems(for eg. in setting up the dev-env.) faced by him/her.

WoMoz and Targeting Non-Engineering Colleges

We discussed on the possible reasons for the low number of female students in Contributing to Mozilla in Mumbai. We came to the conclusion, that instead of heavily targeting engineering colleges which generally has less number of girl students, also target non-engineering colleges like Fashion, Design, Journalism and also women's colleges in Mumbai.

Firefox Student Ambassador Program

We discussed on possible reasons of the low awareness of the FSA Program, among the students in Mumbai. For this, we agreed on having more introductory Mozilla events in colleges and educating the students about the FSA program.

Introductory Mozilla Events in Colleges in Mumbai

We discussed and decided to distribute the task of collecting contact details of the Principal's of different colleges, among ourselves. We have decided Thursday, July 11, 2014 as the deadline for this task. By Friday, July 12, 2014, the Mozilla Reps in the Mumbai Community would be e-mailing the principals, expressing interest to conduct an introductory Mozilla event at their respective colleges by July end or August first week.

We wrapped up the MozCoffee around 2:15pm. It was indeed a productive meetup, having discussed the above mentioned points. Looking forward to having more of such MozCoffees in Mumbai !